Ten Year-Old Boy Adventure Book!
This includes things like Charlie Bone, FableHaven, Keys to the Kingdom, Magic Thief and so many more.
The fabulous thing about these books is that they are fast-paced, because they're geared towards an audience who can hardly sit in front of a television for half an hour. Also, they often take place in worlds where anything can happen. In the Keys to the Kingdom series, Garth Nix created a world that exists outside of the realm of physics or logic, and even with ones set in "our world" like Charlie Bone or FableHaven, predictability isn't an issue. They're fantastical, fabulous, and you never have to worry about an unhappy ending or an errant x-rated moment that sends you throwing the book across the room. I've read the first FableHaven book at least four times, I'm rereading Keys to the Kingdom (the ones that I own) for the third time in the past year, and when I picked up Charlie Bone several months ago, it was just as good as it was when I was ten.
I may have never been a ten year old boy, but these are all definitely some of my favorite books, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend checking them out, you won't be disappointed!!
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